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April 30, 2008


The Great Comic Book Heroes by Feiffer

He terminado de leer el gran libro de Jules Feiffer The Great Comic Book Heroes. Ha resultado una experiencia interesante, por lo que considero que debería añadir algunos comentarios en esta entrada.
Jules Feiffer es uno de esos dibujantes de cómic que han dejado huella por su trabajo y por las implicaciones que ha tenido su obra. Trabajó en la segunda etapa de la época dorada del cómic americano, allá por los años cuarenta, llegando a colaborar en el estudio de Will Eisner. Después pasó a dibujar una tira de periódico muy popular en el periódico Village Voice, desde 1956 hasta 1997. Sigue escribiendo libros, especialmente para la infancia y destacaremos dos obras: Munro, que se llevó al cine como corto de animación por los Estudios Rembrandt (Ganando un Oscar en 1960) y Tantrum, de reciente reedición.

Comienza el libro haciendo una recapitulación de sus recuerdos de la infancia relacionados con la afición a los cómics. De entre todos los capítulos, haría mención al superhéroe por excelencia, que es Superman. Mantiene la opinión de que todos nos identificamos con una u otra vertiente del héroe, ya sea Clark Kent o Superman, o incluso ambas. También recuerda el tenue machismo que se deja ver en el trío amoroso de Lois Lane, Superman y Clark Kent. El primero no quiere chicas que sean un incordio y le debiliten, mientras que el segundo desea ardientemente a la muchacha.

Otro apartado trata sobre el curioso caso del Captain Marvel , actualmente conocido como Shazam. Tuvo que ser retirado de la circulación por ser demasiado parecido a Superman (dudo que fuese plagio) y cómo mezclaba elementos cómicos y realistas (al menos al estilo superheroico). Resulta curioso que ahora sea un personaje de DC, propietaria de Superman.

Después le dedica un tiempo a escribir sobre diversos héroes, de los que rescato a Hawkman, aunque para mí, por la generación a la que pertenezco, mi Hawkman es el extraterrestre de la miniserie prestigio realizada por Truman, Alcatena y Parsons.

Cuando se habla del Spirit de Eisner, la cosa se pone seria. No olvidemos que Feiffer trabajó para su estudio. Todo lo que dice de la importancia del personaje es cierto y se queda corto. Hay pocas cosas que no consiguiera Eisner en su publicación y aún hoy hay que leerlo con atención para analizarlo en detalle.

El capítulo que más me ha gustado era el de los pioneros del cómic de superhéroes. Pensemos que en aquel momento (los años cuarenta) aparecen por primera vez los comic book (el primero con material original en 1938). Hay que hacerlos a toda mecha, algunos en un fin de semana y los creadores trabajan a destajo. Cuando la moda de los primeros Superhéroes deja de ser tan atrayente, principalmente por culpa del tipo de trabajo, la remuneración y las posibilidades de ganarse la vida con ilustración y el diseño publicitario, los dibujantes dejan de entusiasmarse con el cómic. Y así hasta la etapa de plata a finales de los cincuenta.

Os dejo con un embed de YouTube donde podéis ver Munro. Que lo disfrutéis.

Y por último, un embed de la película de Spirit que se estrenará en 2009.

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April 25, 2008


Google Hacks by Tara Calishain & Rael Dornfest

Today I have finished this fine book of Google Tricks. It is funny to notice how dated a book could be if Internet and its programs are involved.

It doesn't matter. Here are a few of the most interesting stuff I found in its pages.

  • There is a mirror version of Google. Now is currenly undergoing a server upgrade. I hope it will be soon operative.
  • Looking for information about this book, I found an spanish blog about Google Tricks. This blog is quite useful. I will read it whenever I need information about Google stuff.
  • Some useful sintax. intitle: - inurl: - site: - link: - phonebook:
  • Something I realy didn't Know: Julian Calendar. In CPAN you can modiffy your local date as a julian day. Digging in Internet, I found this curious Multicalendar in Isotropic.
  • Translation made easy: multilingual.
  • Powered by... means realy something.
  • Google Labs were working hard. Now its work is real.
  • Now I know what API is.
  • Visualize Google results is really something with Touchgraph. It is as powerfull as the new flying navigator in YouTube.
  • The Chapter about Webmastering has a lot of insightful ideas. Brett Tabkehas a great recollection of them. In fact, 26 of them as you can see in googlelady.
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April 23, 2008


La noche de los libros

Hoy es veintitrés de abril y es el día del libro. Aquí en Madrid han organizado una noche en blanco. Hay muchos eventos de interés. No dudéis en visitar la página oficial la noche de los libros.
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April 21, 2008


Spanish Classic Illustrated Reedited

There is a new version of our own Spanish Classic Illustrated, that was called Youth Literature Jewels. Since 1992 we could not see it in the newsstand.

The new edition is from Grupo Z with a copy of the original format form Bruguera. There is a reproduction of the books with the comic inserted in Black and White.

Newspapers had been publishing reports about the new version. Read all about it in El País, ADN Weekend and ADN

If you need to find information about the complete series, go to 13 Rue.

My favourite issue was 133, Jules Verne’s The Pirates of the Halifax. Pictures drawn by Ángel Pardo. I read it and reread it constantly in my childhood. It was a breathtaking adventure.

Searching information, I found this Antonio Bernal Romero Original. Read more of it in Tirafrutas.

The American Classic Illustrated is very interesting, but I think the Spanish version is better, with quality adaptations. The American version doubled the issues from the Spanish. In both cases, this series help the children from many generations to have a beautiful introduction to literature.

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April 18, 2008



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Vigesimo sexto salón del Cómic de Barcelona

Abre sus puertas el Vigesimo sexto salón del cómic de Barcelona. Para más información hay que ir a la página de Ficomic.
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Reedición de las Joyas Literarias Juveniles

Grupo Z, propietario de Ediciones B, que a su vez tiene los derechos de la Editorial Bruguera ha decidido reeditar en dos formatos, varios de las obras emblemáticas de Bruguera. Las Joyas Literarias Juveniles fueron ya reeditadas en una colección de quince tomos en el año 1992. En cada uno se incluían siete adaptaciones literarias al cómic y la portada de la primera. Si hacemos cuenta, los quince volúmenes contenían en total ciento cinco de las casi trescientas Joyas Literarias. Casi dos tercios que no se publicaron.

La nueva edición de Grupo Z recuerda a la antigua de Bruguera. Se han respetado dos de los formatos originales: el libro con páginas del cómic intercaladas y el recopilatorio temático, con dos autores por el momento, a todo color.

Comparando las dos ediciones modernas a color, considero que es mucho mejor la de 1992. La actual presenta el trazo del dibujo más abultado, supongo que por el exceso de tratamiento desde algunos originales hasta la versión de 2008. Aún así, es casi 15€ más barata y resulta muy sencilla de encontrar en las tiendas.

La prensa se ha hecho eco de la noticia de la publicación de estas Joyas Literarias Juveniles, como es el caso de El País y de ADN Weekend o ADN

Sin lugar a dudas, la mejor opción para informarse es la página de 13 Rue. En ella nos informan de la historia, los autores y los dibujantes de esta soberbia colección, que hoy en día ninguna editorial sería lo suficientemente valiente para realizar con medios similares a los que contó Bruguera a lo largo de sus dos décadas de publicación.

Mi número favorito fue el ciento treinta y tres. Era la adaptación de la novela de Jules Verne, Los piratas del Halifax, magistralmente ilustrada por Ángel Pardo. Recuerdo leerla con mi amigo Paquito en el pueblo de mi padre y que cuando llegábamos al final, volvíamos al principio. Era apasionante.

Buscando por la Web, he encontrado este Original de Antonio Bernal Romero. Os remito a otra página que me ha llamado la atención. Tirafrutas

La edición americana de Classic Illustrated es interesantísima, pero la considero de peor calidad que la española. No obstante, es conveniente visitar la información que existe, porque dobló en número a la española y sirvió para acercar los clásicos a los niños de habla inglesa, de la misma manera que nos ayudó a conocer estos libros la edición de Bruguera.

Aquí está la lista completa de las Joyas Literarias juveniles.

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Películas de libre descarga

En labsk.net/wkr hay información de las películas de libre descarga de YouTube en archive.org
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April 16, 2008


YouTube Videos

All Embed by YouTube are a gate to the YouTube page. After a video is fully watch, a small slideshow is displayed with new videos related to the Embed. A double click gets you to the original YouTube page.
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April 12, 2008


Tribute to Charlton Heston

Last april 5, 2008 Charlton Heston passed away in Beverly Hills. This post is a tribute to the great actor. The first thing that comes to my mind is his work on Planet of the Apes, one of my favourite movies, movie series, TV series, cartoon series, comic book series, novel an novel series.

We also can remember Heston as the popular voice of NRA. It is difficult to understand this kind of things, here in Europe. But we must remember as well that he was in the march of the civil rights to the black community with Martin Luther King. Politics aside, his work is a landmark in the history of the 20th Century.

He was an impressive professional. More than one hundred movies were he was the main character or where his presence was relevant. There are some movies recorded at University, like a version of Peer Gynt. He started his career in 1950 with Dark City and Julius Caesar. Then came Vidor’s Ruby Gentry, The Naked Jungle and Wyller’s The Far Horizons.

Stardom came with Ben-Hur in 1959. In my opinion this is a movie with a marvellous start that turns into a boring movie after that. In the Ten Commandments (1956) he was the image we all have of Moses opening a path in the waters of the Red Sea. He was El Cid (1961) and a Major in 55 Days at Peking (1963) here in Spain. The Greatest History ever Told (1965), The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) ― highly recommended ―, Mayor Dundee (1965).

And in 1968 Franklin J. Schaffner filmed Planet of the Apes. Some of my friends state that this is a movie only justified by the impressive ending. I could not disagree more. I think this fable created by Pierre Boulle is a masterpiece that shows as a fantastic tale what could be considered an essay of human behaviour. Apes are caricatures of our own institutions. A dangerous fact could be minimized and destroyed, without any ethic judgement if a society is at stake. Look for The Enemy of the People by Ibsen.
In 1972 he directed Marc Anthony and Cleopatra and the main character in TV series The Colby. Another two movies with Science Fiction themes: Soylent Green (1972) and Omega Man, after Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend. We could also see him in Flight 502, Airport 75 and Earthquake.

He continued working during the eighties and the nineties. He appeared in True Lies, Brannagh’s Hamlet and My Father. His voice could be heard in Disney’s Hercules and Cats & Dogs.

His last work was in Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes (2001). This time, Heston was an Ape. A funny thing, being in the original movie the Champion of Humanity.

I hope you will enjoy this Embeb were you could see the wonderful ending of Planet of the Apes.

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April 10, 2008



Tenacious D, Tribute.
In 2001 Jack Black & Kyle Gass created the TV show Tenacious D. It was so great and musically inspired that their fans grew an grew in number. When Jack Black started his career as an actor in many comedies and Movies, the group stay in limbo, but last year we could watch the Tenacious D Movie. ¡Great! (...)
Quiet Riot, QR III.
QRIII (in fact the fifth album, but their third Major Label recording) was a hit in 1986. To me this was the coolest Rock album ever produced and I still consider it to be an incredible production. That was what Quiet Riot was about. (...)

Peter Gabriel, Red Rain from SO.
Peter Gabriel created this song as a part of a story about his character Mozo. The stories that Gabriel wrote were bring to reallity when OVO came out some years ago. (...)

Mike and the Mechanics, Over My Shoulder.
Over My Shoulder is my favourite song (well, I think so). I remember listening to this song everytime the videosingle sounded on TV. It is an odd song, because the refrain sounds from the very beginning and the B part is the Middle Eight. (...)

PURPLE RAIN by Dream Theatre
I would like that this post could be a common post in my Blog. A post about this great song, about how it influences me and how Prince is a Creative Force I was so close. I love his songs and I have almost every CD he released with Warner, Himself and Universal. (...)

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Metallica publica Cyanide.
Ayer me sorprendí cuando viendo el telediario me encuentro con que Metallica ha sacado un nuevo disco después del St. Anger hace cinco años. Se llama Cyanide. (...)

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Fireman Sam.
Fireman Sam is a popular stop-motion animation feature. First in Welsh and them in English (and in other languages, including Spanish). The animation is so good that somentimes the puppets can run, and jump and perform activities that seem to be impossible for stop-motion. (...)

When I was a child, watching movies on VCR was great. Simply great. If you couldn’t go to the cinema when a movie was first aired, well, you miss it. Period.But then came a time where good movies were released to Video and you could go and rent it in your local video store. (...)

Last april 5, 2008 Charlton Heston passed away in Beverly Hills. This post is a tribute to the great actor. The first thing that comes to my mind is his work on Planet of the Apes, one of my favourite movies, movie series, TV series, cartoon series, comic book series, novel an novel series. (...)

Allegro non troppo is a movie with actors and animation. Bruno Bozzetto directed it in 1976. Although it could be similar to other films with music and animation, such as both Disney’s Fantasia one and two, there are a lot of differences. (...)

Nosferatu is my favourite movie. Although it could be strange to most people, a silent movie could be that great. This is a masterpiece. Silent movies are not recorded theatre with dialogs as movies are now. (...)

STAR WARS 31st Anniversary

It is quite late, but tomorrow is May 25th and it is, as always, an special day. Thirty one years ago, the gallaxy changed forever and Movies were never the same. (...)

Yesterday we went to the cinema and watch this outstanding movie by Sidney Lumet. It is a movie made in 2007 but it is a new release here in Spain. Will things like this ever change in my country? (...)
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