Ghostbusters, one of these movies that are different from the others, at least to me. It first catches my attention with the music video. Then it was uncommon that a movie gets the spotlight by advertising it with the music. True, before that you could buy the record, play the song with the score, but watching the trailer turned into an MTV hit by Ray Parker Jr. that was something new. Latter Limahl does the same by singing the Neverending Story.

The movie was great. I read the novelization before I went to the theatre in order to know everything and my grandfather take me there. I have to wait to the video version to watch the second movie and I found it as funny as the first.

There is an incredible gag in the movie. After Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis) explains what would happened to New York if they loose all the ghost they have caught and talk about “Ectoplasm”, a fellow from the Town Hall ask “What’s that?” and Peter Venkman (Bill Murray) answers “A polysyllable”.

When we visit New York, I look for the sets of the movie and I found a lot of them in West Central Park and y Lincoln Centre.

Will we ever see a third movie?
If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
If it's somethin' weird an it don't look good
Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
I ain't afraid a no ghost
I ain't afraid a no ghost
If you're seein' things runnin' thru your head
Who can you call (ghostbusters)
An invisible man sleepin' in your bed
Oh who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
I ain't afraid a no ghost!
I ain't afraid a no ghost!
Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)
If you're all alone pick up the phone
And call (ghostbusters)
I ain't afraid a no ghost...
I hear it likes the girls...
I ain't afraid a no ghost
Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah!
Who you gonna call (ghostbusters)
Mm…if you've had a dose
Of a freaky ghost baby
You better call ghostbusters
Ow!(Let me tell ya somethin')
Bustin' makes me feel good!
I ain't afraid a no ghosts
I ain't afraid a no ghosts!
Don't get caught alone oh no…ghostbuster
When he comes through your door
Unless you just a-want some more
I think you better call ghostbusters
Ow! Who you gonna call (ghostbusters)
Who you gonna call (ghostbusters)
Ha, I think you better call (ghostbusters)
ha ha...who you gonna call? (ghostbusters)
I can't hear you…(ghostbusters)
Who you gonna call (ghostbusters)
Louder (ghostbusters)
Who you gonna call (ghostbusters)
Who can you call ghostbusters…(till fade)
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