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December 15, 2008


Shape of Things To Come, by H. G. Wells

[via Wikipedia]
The Shape of Things to Come is a novel by H. G. Wells that in the early thirties predicted what the future History of the World would be in no time. And, as always, Wells was prophetic. Not only the WWII, but the coming of Space Era and the new order of political interrelations.

The book was written in 1933 and is not really fiction but an essay of what could be the destiny of Humanity. Wells, so clever and lucid, considered that democracy needed a real impulse to become a fact in all the world.

A movie, base on the book was produced in 1936, a few months earlier than the Spanish Civil War (that could be considered the preamble to World War II).

The advance in new fuels made the landing on the Moon a reality a century before Wells’ prediction. But it occurred and that what matters.

It is possible to read the complete text of the Shape of Things To Come.

Two embed movies, to enjoy the short version of the movie. A pity I couldn’t find the complete movie. If you have the opportunity, go for it. It is really something.

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Watch Things to Come (1936) in Entertainment Videos View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com
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