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August 08, 2010


North by Northwest (1959).

North by Northwest is that. From Madison Avenue in New York to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, an innocent, Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant) is mistaken with an spy named George Kaplan. Perhaps you don't remember the name Roger, but you sure do remember Kaplan if you watched the movie.

From the begging, from the Title sequence it is clear that this is no regular movie. In fact, I think this could be the best Hitchcock movie and for sure is my favourite.

Cary Grant is one of the best actors ever, but in this movie he could be on top of his acting. It is amazing who his comedy side always survives the near impossible situations. He seems to enjoy some of the situations, being as dangerous as they are.

And there is this iconic scene in witch Roger is being chased by a crop-dust plane. One of the most important screenshots in the history of the cinema. This and the Mount Rushmore fight. 

Do you know it was something that was almost to be taken away from the final cut? Some conservative movements didn't like the idea of a British director, so unconventional, doing a fight scene on top of that symbolic mountain. It was all solved by the time the movie was finished and the story ends there.

By the way, the Spanish title for this movie is "Con la muerte en los talones" that could be something like "Death almost gets you". Not a but title, indeed.

Well, this has nothing to do with North by Northwest, but it is a nice parody of the chase scene. I love it!


IND OUT MORE at http://www.theauteurs.com/films/1503
While having lunch at the Plaza Hotel in New York, advertising executive Roger O. Thornhill (Cary Grant) has the bad luck to call for a messenger just as a page goes out for a George Kaplan. From that moment, Thornhill finds that he has stepped into a nightmare
[text and video via the auteurs cinema]

More about North by Northwest:

Images taken from Bloggang (poster), Blissfully Domestic (Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint), Blogdaddy (the main actors in the train) and parody by Balakov.


Guely of Sweden said...

Y aunque mis favorita de Hitch es un peleadísimo empate entre Vértigo y Psicosis. Esta es una de las mejores sin duda. Y es que el gordito tuvo creó tanta excelencia!

Valentín VN said...

Jo, menudas películas que mencionas. ¿Y qué me dices de la Soga o la Ventana Indiscreta? Es que era un genio y además DIVERTIDO.

Guely of Sweden said...

La Ventana Indiscreta tiene que estar enntre las mejores. La Soga créo que se perdió demasiado en tratar de hacernos creer en que todo era una sola toma y debo haberla visto sólo una vez. A ver si la veo esta semana para formarme una mejor opinión.

Valentín VN said...

La Soga tiene mucha miga. Es como una obra de teatro y hay trampas de cámara para dar la sensación de ser una sola toma. Y fíjate en la compleja relación entre los tres protragonistas. Como te digo, tiene mucha miga.

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