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August 15, 2010


Mr. Nobody (2009).

Last week we had the opportunity of enjoying this amazing movie by Jaco Van Dormael, famous director of Toto le Herós and Le Huitième Jour. 

After seven years of working in this story we can see this new proposition. What has to do Chance with our lives?

After twenty minutes of close to death situations by the main character (Nemo Nobody) we arrive to the starting point of the story. Young Nemo has to decide if he stays with his father or goes to Canada with his mother. That could have lead us to a dual story, but the complexity of the ramifications of all the options takes us to so many possible lifes that in the end seems to conclude in this last mortal. 

The movie has so many things to offer that I really recommend it. Van Dormael has proposed a complex and difficult travel and after walking with him, I'm glad I did and satisfied with the sensation that I could travel that far in new ways of storytelling.

Mr. Nobody Trailer [ english, HQ ]

[via FriiUili]

More about Mr. Nobody:
Images taken from Wikipedia (Poster) and La Casa de los Horrores (scene).


David said...

A ver si la puedo ver (no la veo en los cines aquí). La verdad es que vi reseñas en algún otro blog, en las que decían de quién era, pero si no llega a ser por ti no me doy cuenta de que era el director de esas dos. El octavo día me gustó, pero Toto El héroe es una película que me encantó. A este hombre hay que verlo siempre, si es posible.
Un saludo.

Valentín VN said...

Pues te aseguro que vas a salir sorprendido si puedes verla. Es un pelín larga y adolece de algún parón, pero no por ello deja de ser un propuesta valiente y arriesgada, de las de verdad.

Sólo por eso se merece ser vista. No hay nada como esto, de verdad.

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