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February 20, 2010


The Band Concert (1935).

50 Greatest Cartoons of all time #3.

How about Mickey and the gang playing Rossini's William Tell Overture? And how about in Color (Technicolor more accurately) for the first time? That's a great premise to start with, but that's not enough.

It is considered the best Disney cartoon of the list because it is so perfect, so tight to time and full of nice gags that it won an Venice Festival Award and in my opinion, there is a word that defines it: Perfection.

Mickey Mouse & Friends - The Band Concert (1935)

The orchestra is performing the William Tell overture, but then Donald Duck (in his third appearance in a Mickey cartoon) appears selling ice-cream. Uninvited, Donald takes out his flute and distracts the band into playing Turkey in the Straw.

The cartoon is notable for being the first Mickey Mouse film in Technicolor, although two more Mickey cartoons were made in black and white before they were produced in colors on a permanent basis; Mickey's Service Station and Mickey's Kangaroo. It is said that when conductor Arturo Toscanini first saw the cartoon in a movie theater, he was so delighted with it that he ran up to the projection booth and asked the projectionist to run it again.

In 1994 it was voted #3 of the 50 Greatest Cartoons of all time by members of the animation field. Also, according to Leonard Maltin in a commentary for this film when it was included in one of the Walt Disney Treasures, The Band Concert was remade (somewhat) years later as Symphony Hour.
[Text and Video via edgelee84]

More about the Band Concert.


David said...

Este es buenísimo. Lo tenía en un vídeo de cortos Disney con Oscar, me parece. O igual era en Lo mejor de Mickey. Ya no me acuerdo. Pero buenísimo. Un saludo. Lo de la moda Kiss me ha sorprendido.

Valentín VN said...

¿A que es un corto buenísimo?

Lo de Kiss me apetecía hacerlo. Una tercera entrada al día con un grupo musical, llegando a profundizar tanto como pueda durante un período de tiempo. Esta primera vez va a ser un año (365 entradas más alguna anterior)

El año que viene lo pienso dedicar a Iron Maiden.

Y luego ya veré. Puede que sea más de semestres con ciento ochenta entradas.

Me está resultando divertido y no me quita mucho tiempo. Son mini-entradas.

Además, las traducciones las hago con el traductor de Google y luego las corrijo, cosa que no hago con las entradas en inglés, que las redacto desde el principio en ese idioma.

En fin, espero haberme explicado ;-)

David said...

Perfectamente. Lo que pasa es que no son grupos que me vuelvan loco. Un saludo.

Valentín VN said...

Bueno, David. No obstante, espero no aburrirte con ellos.

Es que uno es muy roquerete.

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