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August 14, 2009


Atari Force, issue twenty and Special.

COVER TITLE. The Verdict
INSIDE TITLE. Trial… and Verdict
COVER DATE. August, 1985
COVER ARTIST. Uncredited
NUMBER OF PAGES. 17 + 7 (Hukka fill in story)
WRITER. Mike Baron
PENCILLER. Eduardo Barreto
INKER. Ricardo Villagran
LETTERER. Bob Lappan
EDITOR. Andy Helfer

At the point of their defence is the demonstration that the Dark Destroyer existed. The first one that tries to probe that it was no hoax is Rident. He uses the alien implant from Blackjak’s brain.

Taz and the Tazlings free Pakrat. They prepare something. Now all of them are resting and Dart refines his vision.
It is Morphea’s turn and she gives Hunter a first try of what he deserves. With the help of Kragg, the Dark Destroyer manifest itself.
At the same time, Taz starts the runaway. Tempest is the main piece in the scheme.

But nobody wants to stop them. Tazlings have create a bell that would allow them to go to Old Earth.
That’s the magnificent End.

TITLE. Hukka vs. the Bob!
PLOT & PENCILS. Keith Giffen
PLOT & DIALOGUE. Robert Loren Fleming
PLOT & INKS. Karl Kesel
PLOT & COLORS. Tom Ziuko
PLOT & EDITS. Andy Helfer

The cartoonesque story of Hukka and the crazy robot that wants to Kill him. It is fun to see Hukka acting as Bugs Bunny.

No letter page for this issue. Andy Helfer must say farewell to this amazing series. It didn’t sale well, but it was enough to let it survive. The real reason that Helfer states is that the Atari Force reached its end. There was no room for more stories because they attained their destiny. I’m not sure of that, but I respect that. Sometimes I think comicbook heroes must finish their run and create a classic canon. But that’s my opinion.

COVER ARTIST. Rogers & Byrne
NUMBER OF PAGES. 21 (Dart’s story) + 7 (Hukka’s story) + 20 (Atari Force’s Story)
EDITORS. Andy Helfer & Julius Schwartz

This Special came out the next year, after the cancellation of Atari Force and has a very important story in it: the origin of Dart and Blackjak. The other stories, although cool and fun, are unsubstantial.

TITLE: Codename: Dart. A Mercenary’s Story
SCRIPT / EDITOR. Andrew Helfer
SCRIPTER. Paul Kupperberg
PENCILLER. Marshall Rogers
INKER. Ricardo Villagran
LETTERER. David Cody Weiss
PLOT / EDITOR. Julius Schwartz

This is it. The story of Dart’s past. First, her name: Erin Bia Singh O’Rourke. She was a happy child that entered the Military Academy on her sixteenth year. She was good at it, but discipline and her are not two of a kind.

So she makes it bad and Hunter (yes, our anti-hero) send her and her friend Dalia to a savage planet. There she learns as a cadet to become more aggressive and her skills improved a lot. And the tattoos she wear were part of the ceremony of graduation.
Her first mission was an important one. She finds Blackjak for the first time. Blackjak kills Dalia and Dart shoots him in the eye. That’s the story of one-eye Blackjak. And Dart is having her premonitions for the first time.
With Blackjak, she defeats the evil instructor and dismantles his vicious plans.

TITLE: Food for Thought!
WRITER. Paul Kupperberg
PENCILLER. Tristan Shane
INKER. Joe Delbeato
LETTERER. David Cody Weiss
EDITOR. Andy Helfer

Another Hukka story. What happens when a group of alien creatures feed you so much? Do they want to make you their king? Or do they want to eat you? Hukka finds the solution the hard way. But, fortunately, he survives.

TITLE: Second Skin!
STORY. Dwight Jon Zimmerman
PENCILS. James Fry
INKS. Kyle Baker
LETTERS. David Cody Weiss
COLORS. Tom Ziuko
EDITOR. Andy Helfer

An adventure in a forgotten planet where the Crew of Atari Force must face a legion of robots to escape from it.


Juan Duque Oliva said...

Very good, i think so

Valentín VN said...

Thanks, my friend. It took its time to do this post.

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