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December 06, 2008


Maurice Sendak on animation.

This post is dedicated to the animated versions of Maurice Sendak’s works. Next year, a full length film will be released based on his most renowned work, Where the Wild Things Are. If you don’t know anything about Sendak’s writing, please sit down and enjoy the ride. I’m sure, after watching the videos, you will be convinced that this experience would be worth of the time it takes.

Where the wild things are. (1963)

Here is an embed of the original cartoon. It is partially animated, but it really works. The music and the narration was made by Peter Schickele.

[via Cartoonsongs]

This embed shows a Disney’s try out. It is at the end of the video and it’s only the opening secuence.

[via Kurtori]

There is also a claymation adaptation that works as smoothly as the previously presented video.

[via Ghorse2000]

Do you want to read the book?
Take a look at this page.

The Nuttshell kids (from the Nutshell Library). (1962)

This is a collection of songs and poems that were showcased on TV back in 1975 as a Carol King cartoon series. It was called Really Rosie and was a real delight to the eye. I simply love this cartoons. I hope you would too.

The embed of Alligators all around.

[via Cartoonsongs]

And the same song, Alligators all around, at the Really Rosie Show.

[via Cjeffboice]

The second video, Pierre, in a performance by the Desden Dolls.

[via Meowza3k]

And the embed of Pierre as could be shown in Really Rosie.

[via Cjeffboice]

A funny song, One was Johnny, again in Really Rosie.

[via Cjeffboice]

And the last one, Chicken Soup with Rice, ending the Really Rosie videos.

[via Cjeffboice]

In the Night Kitchen. (1970)
This story has a lot in debt to McCay’s Little Nemo. It portraits the misadventures of a boy who could not sleep (or could he?) while the Night prepares the breakfast. This book, as the Wikipedia informs, is banned in some places because the child is drawn naked. A pitty. The narration, again, by Peter Shickele.

[via Cartoonsongs]

And now a video celebrating the work of Sendak. He is now 80 and still producing nice works for both literature and TV. Let’s see more of him!

[via Rosenbach Museum]

Here is the last video. It comes from the campaign and commercial promoting MOMMY?, the last book to be written by him to this date.

[via Expanded Books]


Evil Preacher said...

Esta sección tuya de animación es una auténtica joya. Gracias.

Valentín VN said...

¡Muchas gracias, Evil!
Me das muchos ánimos para seguir con la sección.
Ya tengo preparadas las dos siguientes entradas y espero que te gusten.
Un saludo.

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