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May 29, 2010


Kiss in Family Guy.

Ya que estamos presentando a Kiss en versiones animadas, ¿qué tal si los vemos en una de las series de moda? Family Guy no es de las series que me llamen la atención. Me resulta demasiado Simpson y no le veo la gracia a muchos de sus homenajes, por lo que no la he seguido, pero este video de los protagonistas en un concierto de Kiss tiene su chispa.

Since we are featuring animated versions Kiss in the last posts, what if we see them in very popular series? Family Guy is not one series that catch my attention. Looks too much like the Simpsons and I do not see it funny in many of their tributes, so I have not followed it, but this video of Peter and Meg in a Kiss concert is really something.

Family Guy Music is Dead To Me

[via crsitain]


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