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November 08, 2009


The Lady Vanishes (1938).

[via wikipedia]

This was the first movie I’ve ever recorded on a VHS VCR. The first shot, a travelling covering a Marquette of a railway station was so fake that I simply love it.

Remembering this movie is remembering the strangest McGuffin of all Hitchcock’s movies. A song. And not a song, a folk song. Therefore, one of the main roles must be a musicologist.

[via cinevertigo]

The feminine leading character is Iris a young girl that acquaintances an old Lady, the vanishing lady, that is in fact a British spy. The story was so popular back then that it was a BBC radio serial that has a huge audience response. And this serial was based on E. L. White’s novel, The Wheel Spins.

Hitchcock had many troubles trying to rise a sensational hit, just after moderate failures in UK and USA. And the big hit this movie helped him to earn a place in Hollywood.

[via filmfanatic]

This scene is a classic. The only proof that this lady ever existed was a marking in this train window. The story is, in my opinion, rather trivial, but it really worked for the public back in 1939 and it is still one of the best Hitchcock movie. He used the story in one of his Alfred Hitchcock Presents (episode five of the first season: Into Thin Air).
There is a movie starring Jodie Foster, Flightplan, that has a similar plot. In that case the vanished person is his child.

Enjoy the movie.


Dr. Krapp said...

El cine inglés del joven Hitchcock tiene el sabor maduro de sus grandes obras posteriores pero liberado de componentes manieristas. Es un cine fresco, urgente, con su fastuoso sentido del humor e increiblemente entretenido. Reseñas además una de sus grandes obras.

Guely of Sweden said...

Opacado por el color y las estrellas de sus películas posteriores, mucha de la obra de Hitchcock es un tesoro por descubrir para el cinéfilo curioso que recien ha traspasado el umbral del Hitch blockbuster de los años cincuenta.

Valentín VN said...

Doctor, Hitchcock era una persona que sabía pensar en el sistema monetario. Por eso creo que su talento era más fácil de desarrollar en Hollywood que en Inglaterra. Aún así, no hay duda de que perdió frescor.

Guely, está claro que se ha quedado oculto frente a la obra americana. Pero no pasa nada. Si te gusta, North by Northwest, por ejemplo, tarde o temprano terminas viendo esta serie.

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