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September 20, 2009


Tron (1982).

[via dietrichthrall]

We are talking about 1982. Our computers were microcomputers like Sinclair ZX Spectrum and real processors were something we cannot even imagine. And Internet… What’s that?

But Steven Lisber knew it all and opened some young minds to the power of this new machines by writing the script and then directing the movie. And it was fun!

ILM were creating their FX following the path of Ray Harryhausen but Disney had the opportunity of using intensively Computer Graphics. Some of this images are part of our cultural background, like the beginning of Star Wars or the fight in the roof of Neo against agent Smith.

Perhaps you had seen the name Kevin Flynn someplace. Many people had used this name as a nick since the release of this movie. This main role was taken by Jeff Bridges.

[via tenacioso]

In this film, the barriers between the digital or virtual World and the real World were so thin that I feel that it has gone to far. I couldn’t believe that a laser ray could put someone into a computer. Now I’m sure it can, but I know the power of this new world.

Back then, what really catch my attention was the cool dressing and the Light Cycles. Oh boy, the Light Cycles! If you have played the game “Snakes”, you had the feeling of the Tron Arcade. And It was difficult to accomplish a lot of “levels”.

Of course let’s not forget the frisbee, the flying disc. That’s an amazing way of showcasing a gladitators’ fight.

[via gizmodo]

Let’s name a few artist involved in this production: Jean Giraud, aka Moebius designed part of the sets; Syd Mead repeated his role as industrial designer that he did in Blade Runner; Peter Lloyd, a great commercial designer help in part of the production; Frank Serafine created the sound effects as he did in Star Trek.

And the unforgettable music of Wendy Carlos.

Here come some videos. First the original trailer.

1982 - Tron – Trailer

Kevin Flynn is a former employee of the software corporation ENCOM, now running a arcade. Flynn has been trying to hack into ENCOM's mainframe computer to find evidence that ENCOM's senior executive Ed Dillinger stole four video games he created. But Dillinger's supercomputer "Master Control Program" foils Flynn's efforts and dictates and controls most of the computer systems. One night, Flynn's former girlfriend Lora and her boyfriend, ace computer programmer Alan Bradley helps Flynn break into ENCOM to shut down the MCP with Alan's security program "TRON". But MCP uses Lora's matter transmission program and converts Flynn into data and sends him into the computer. Flynn finds himself in a electronic world ruled by the MCP and his evil chief henchman Sark, where computer programs are the alter-egos of their creators and are forced to compete in gladiatorial games. With help from Tron, a heroic and fearless security program and his lover, Yori, Flynn sets out destroy the MCP and help Tron liberate the system from the MCP's control, by destroying the MCP is Flynn's only way of returning to the real world.
[via FrankSchenk6]

Now the prosecution of the Light Cycles.

Tron Lightbike Scene

[via neilnorpa]

There is a new movie to be released the next year. Its name is Tron Legacy and here is the trailer.

The official Tron Legacy trailer.

And of course, here is the Tron Guy. I really love this guys. They are great!

Tron Guy

Tron Guy talks about net neutrality.
[via space150]

And this video of Leslie Hall, featuring the Tron Guy and Peter Pan, no less!!

We Are The Web

A Net Neutrality Message for Everyone: We Are the Web
The issue of net neutrality is reaching a boiling point, and the results will affect every Internet user in the US. We Are the Web is here to raise awareness with the help of some of the web's biggest names: Leslie Hall, The Tron Guy, and Peter Pan. Check out the music video, and share this important message.
[via spacelab150]

To read more about Tron:
Different concepts about Tron, including the classic BASIC instruction.

The 1982 movie and arcade game, both from Wikipedia.

Tron 2.0 videogame, a Secuel.

Tron Legacy at Wikipedia.

Tron Wiki. And you though you’d seen them all.

Article about CGI in the 1982 movie.

Arcade homage by Scott “Jerry” Lawrence.

Home of Tron Arcade information.

Tron sequel comic Adaptation.

http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/tron/ Tron Legacy Official Page.

http://www.apple.com/trailers/disney/tronlegacy/ Tron Legacy movie trailers.


Juan Duque Oliva said...

¿De ahí viene lo de los tron?

Valentín VN said...

Si te refieres a los tron por "los troncos" o "¿qué pasa tron?", me temo que no, Juan, jeje.

Si es otra cosa, me lo dices, ¿vale?

Un saludo.

Doctor Krapp said...

La vi en su estreno aquí y recordando que era 1982 no pude dejar de pensar que el futuro ya estaba aquí a través de ese película que por entonces me resultó extrañísima y que apenas entendí. No tuvo mucho éxito.

Candela said...

Curiosamente, no es de esas peliculas que repongan hasta la saciedad. Solo la he visto una vez een mi vida, y por aquel entonces me gusto bastante. Ahora no se si encajaria con mi vision alterada...

Valentín VN said...

Doctor, le pasó a otra produccion de Disney de la época. ¿The acuerdas de The Black Hole? Tampoco tuvo mucho éxito y pocos la entendieron. Hace unos cuantos años la pude volver a ver y me gustó. Con Tron paso que la vi más tarde, como a finales de los ochenta y me pilló bien. De ahí que la disfrutara tanto. Si la hubiese visto más jovencito, no la habría entendido tampoco.

Candela, es probable que cueste un poco. Hay que dejarse llevar. Si no, será una película difícil de aguantar.

Urko said...

Hacía tiempo que no escuchaba el nombre de esta película. La vi en su época y no era una precisamente de mis preferidas.

Pero tenía aciertos interesantes.

Valentín VN said...

No es el planeta de los simios, sin duda. Pero es una pelicula muy especial. Igual te pasó que no te hizo gracia porque no era una historia fácil y de chaval las cosas cuestan.

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