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January 28, 2009


Slipknot, Psychosocial.

[via wikipedia]
If there is a Metal Band from the last years that I love and I am really interested is Slipknot. Their new release is an INCREDIBLE achivement in Metal Music. I think they are beter musicians than before and that is a lot to say.

From their debut album, they atracted a lot of media spotlight. Their masks make them something to talk about. But the band was more than their shows. They were some of the finest musitians that united in one place. Some of them were teachers with many years of experience. And, being myself a drummer, Joey Jordison is somebody I really must study. His performances are milestones.

And everybody is so creative that I must listen to their albums repeatedly to pick a little glimpse of what they put in their tracks. And All Hope Is Gone has so many little things to look at that is almost like a puzzle of creativity.

The main theme in this album is Nihilism. And politics has its place here. They are not interested in being polite, they go straight forward to what they think is going on. The music is complex, heavy, sometimes weird and always innovative.

Ok, so much on my part. Let’s Rock!!

SLIPKNOT – Psychosocial

[via roadrunner germany]

I did my time, and I want out!
So effusive-fade!
It doesn't cut, this soul is not so vibrant.
The reckoning, the sickening.
Packaging subversion.
Pseudo-sacrosanct perversion.
Go drill your deserts, go dig your graves!
Then fill your mouth with all the money you will save.
Sinking in, getting smaller again.
I´m done! It has begun, I'm not the only one!

And the rain will kill us all.
We Throw ourselves against the wall.
But no-one else can see.
The preservation of the martyr in me.

Psychosocial, Psychosocial, Psychosocial.
Psychosocial, Psychosocial, Psychosocial.

There are cracks on the road we laid.
But where the temple fell, the secrets have gone mad.
This is nothing new, but when we killed it all
Hate was all we had!
Who needs another mess, we could start over.
Just look me in the eyes and say I'm wrong!
Now there's only emptiness, venomous insipid
I think we're done, I'm not the only one!

And the rain will kill us all.
We Throw ourselves against the wall.
But no-one else can see.
The preservation of the martyr in me.

Psychosocial, Psychosocial, Psychosocial.
Psychosocial, Psychosocial, Psychosocial.

The limits of the dead!
The limits of the dead!
The limits of the dead!

Fake anti-fascist lie, (Psychosocial)
I've tried to tell you, but (Psychosocial)

Your purple hearts are giving out. (Psychosocial)
Can't stop the killing idea, (Psychosocial)
If it's hunting season. (Psychosocial)
Is this what you want? (Psychosocial)
I'm not the only one!

And the rain will kill us all.
We Throw ourselves against the wall.
But no-one else can see.
The preservation of the martyr in me.

And the rain will kill us all.
We Throw ourselves against the wall.
But no-one else can see.
The preservation of the martyr in me.
[via elyrics]

I would like to show you another track from the new album. It is an acoustic song that grows stronger and complex. I think, if you are not very interested in Metal, perhaps this song could make you enjoy the band.

Slipknot - Snuff (Full Song)

[via deluxeeeLuxury]


Juan Duque Oliva said...

Energía para empezar bien la mañana


Candela said...

I think I said it before, your likings and Jay's are the same. Only two weeks ago he got the latest Skipnot album.

Candela said...

Sorry, meant slipknot...

"KING" said...

Slipknot no está entre mis favoritos, sólo destaco su estética que me parece original y muy hallowiniana. Este gusto tuyo me ha sorprendido, la verdad.

Valentín VN said...

Slipknot no son sólo unos músicos con máscaras. Son profesionales que llevan muchos años haciendo música y un buen día deciden parar y pensar cómo podían destacar sobre los demás. Es algo común entre los músicos de rock el hacer espectáculo. Desde Alice Cooper y Kiss a Slipknot, Mudvayne y Mushroomhead.
Son algo mayorcitos y ahora tienen atención mediática, cosa que antes no habían conseguido. Y la música es excelente.
Si no os va mucho el rollo metalero, podéis escuchar Snuff y daros cuenta de la idea de lo que saben hacer en otros estilos.

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