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July 17, 2010


Elephants Dream (2010).

An amazing short that was produced with entirely open source programs and has a creative commons licence. Perhaps the new way of making things.

This movie has a dreamy world of a machine where an expert shows the complex engines to a newbie. Little he knows the surprises this setting has to offer.

It was directed by Bassam Kurdali and produced by Ton Roosendaal. And it worked very well. Enjoy the short and let's praise the artist for so a nice work.

Elephants Dream [HD] | FULL MOVIE Short film (2006)


now in HD resolution 1080 

Elephant Dreams is the story of two strange characters exploring a capricious and seemingly infinite machine. The elder, Proog, acts as a tour-guide and protector, happily showing off the sights and dangers of the machine to his initially curious but increasingly skeptical protege Emo. As their journey unfolds we discover signs that the machine is not all Proog thinks it is, and his guiding takes on a more desperate aspect.

Elephants Dream is a story about communication and fiction, made purposefully open-ended as the worlds first 3D animated Open movie. The film itself is released under the Creative Commons license, along with the production files used to make it (roughly 7 Gigabytes of data). The software used to make the movie is the free/open source animation suite Blender, along with other open source software, thus allowing the movie to be remade, remixed and re-purposed.

All content, including the production and render files, is release under a Creative Commons license, which means you can edit remix and basically do with the mocie as you like. Find more details here: http://orange.blender.org/

[Text and video via MovieManiacsDE]

More about Elephants Dream:

Image taken from Wikipedia.


David said...

Más allá del software libre y todo lo que eso suponga, más allá del virtuosismo gráfico y las posibilidades que plantea el sistema, el corto en sí no me ha gustado por el modo en que está desarrollado. Confuso, falla la historia, en mi opinión.
Pero no lo conocía, así que ya sabes, gracias otra vez (ja,ja).
Un saludo.

Valentín VN said...

Me temo, David, que aún no han inventado el GUIONATOR, jeje. Si la historia falla, no hay manera de que la película convenza.

Gracias a tí por estar ahí y animarte a comentar, aunque no te gustase el corto.

A mí tampoco me emociona, pero me parece muy curioso el resultado.

La semana que viene tengo preparada una entrada sobre un libro fantástico de animación, pero la siguiente va a ser peor aún, pienso yo, porque estoy preparando una entrada sobre una serie española de finales de lo ochenta que se emitió los sábados a las tres y media y no tuvo nada de éxito. No desvelo más que ya lo verás en la entrada del jueves con las barajitas y el sábado con la entrada en sí.

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