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March 05, 2010


Micronauts Special Edition (5).

The last two chapters in this epic opening saga are here. The extras are Biotron and Microtron Endeavor tour (four pages) and the origin of Baron Karza (six pages). They are not as important as they should be (Karza's origin was told in a recent miniseries) and they are stories further in the future of Micronauts. In fact they are retelling the rebirth of Karza using Prince Argon as a host-body.

COVER TITLE. Saga's end!
COVER DATE. November 1978
COVER ARTIST. Golden & Rubinstein
WRITER. Bill Mantlo
PENCILLER. Michael Golden
INKER. Al Milgron
LETTERERES. Rossen & Albers
COLORIST. Bob Sharen
EDITOR. Allen Milgrom

Karza has Marionette and Rann as their prisoners. He faces Prince Argon as a centaur. A mighty battle that Karza is about to win if no for the Shadow Priest intervention.

They take off their robes to show that they are in fact the many faces of the enigma force. Now we can see them as they are, Rann's conscience manifestations. He travelled through space, using some kind of astral projection and all of them turned into a piece of the Enigma Force.

Of course the Enigma Force where there before Rann's, but it used Arcturus as their herald. 

They join Arcturus body and confronts Karza as their equal. Karza knows he is not able to win and tries to destroy Homeworld, failing at it and loosing his life. The Microverse has being freed of his dictator.

COVER TITLE. Blood Feud!
COVER DATE. December 1978
COVER ARTIST. Golden & Rubinstein

WRITER. Bill Mantlo
PENCILLER. Michael Golden
INKER. Al Milgron
LETTERERES. Rossen & Albers
COLORIST. Bob Sharen
EDITOR. Allen Milgrom

The rebel winners enjoy their victory in a Star Wars like happy ending. Arcturus Rann and Argon are not as happy as everyone is. Rann misses the great power he has experienced turning into the Enigma Force and Argon knows that he would never turn back into a human being, doomed to be a centaur all his life.

Shaitan asks for a Blood Feud against his brother that cost his life accidentally when Acroyear fights him.

And that's all. Only the begging of the Series but a great opening story. Bug has returned to his homeland. More adventures to come. But we have to wait here.



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