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January 09, 2010


Duck Amuck (1953).

50 Greatest Cartoons of all time #2.

[via Wikipedia]

The Meta-Cartoon.

That was the intention and the idea when Michael Maltesse and Chuck Jones decided to make an impossible day for Duffy. There is also a Nintendo DS game where you can disturb Duffy as much as you want, because that's the objetive.

Well, this cartoon, as Jones stated, is about character personality and direct contact with the public. Daffy, poor fellow, suffers like hell. And well, Bugs is behind this joke. What a bad guy!

Duck Amuck

A classic Warner cartoon about "Daffy Duck" having his problems...

More about Duck Amuck:


Anacleto. said...

excellent cartoon, my friend ... the stories in which the artist always annoys the daffy duck I found very funny ..(o algo así)

Valentín VN said...

It is cruel... and fun!!

Muy bien expresado Anacleto.

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