This little action figure is one of my favorite toys. It is a micronaut (in fact a Pharoid) from Mego super-fantastic Micronauts toy series.
Here you can see (well, not very focused, but I couldn't take better pictures) the similiarities between this figure, the Time Traveller and the Acroyear. The plaque at the chest represents an ancient Egypt theme.
You can find more about Micronauts here, here and here. Some pictures of them here and some videos here.
You can find more about Micronauts here, here and here. Some pictures of them here and some videos here.
De ésos no he tenido nunca. pero ya me habría guatado jajaja
Tuvieron su popularidad a finales de los setenta. Me temo que eras un pelín jovencito por aquel entonces, ¿no?
A mí me pillaron de refilón.
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