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September 09, 2009


Black, Wonderful Life.

[via gorgonzola1]

“Is this a wonderful life?”, asks Colin Vearncombe, the singer and composer of Black in 2007. Of course there is! Just read all about it.

In 1985 this band that worked with Thompson Twins released a LP called Wonderful Life. It is one of the best Pop albums ever, but they seem not to have the clear vision that the song was so important. Two songs were singles of this record before the video you are about to see. And when they let the song go, yes, it was a wonderful world. (The single was released before Everything's Coming Up Roses and Beautiful Smile, but not the video, or so I think).

I love this melancholic song so much. It is great, it has a beautiful pattern, Vearncombe voice is amazing and lyrics mean so much. I know Black could be considered a one-hit band but that’s not true. The next recording, Comedy was a nice counterpoint from the sad songs of Wonderful life. And it work great as a good seller.

Well, enough, here is the video. Enjoy the song while you sing it. I know you will.

Wonderful Life

[via romeo40]
Here I go out to sea again
The sunshine fills my hair
And dreams hang in the air
Gulls in the sky and in my blue eyes
You know it feels unfair
There's magic everywhere
Look at me standing
Here on my own again
Up straight in the sunshine
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful wonderful life
The sun's in your eyes
The heat is in your hear
They seem to hate you
Because you're there
And I need a friend
Oh I need a friend to make me happy
Not stand here on my own
Look at me standing
Here on my own again
Up straight in the sunshine
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful wonderful life
I need a friend
Oh I need a friend
To make me happy
Not so alone
Look at me standing
Here on my own again
Up straight in the sunshine
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful wonderful life
Wonderful life
Wonderful life
[via uol]


Doctor Krapp said...

Lo de Black es una pena, una voz tan cálida, un disco tan fabuloso y tras un momento de cierto éxito un repentino escurecimento como dirían los de Le Luthiers.

Valentín VN said...

Siguió haciendo música, pero menos conocido para el público nuevo. Y aún sigue trabajando. Cosas de la fama.

Guely of Sweden said...

Qué buena canción! Pero sobretodo la recuerdo por la fotografía tan limpia, bella...perfecta.

Valentín VN said...

Es cierto que la elegancia era el sello de este músico, tanto en las portadas como en los videos y, como no podía ser menos, en la música.

José Luis said...

Hola. Si buscáis en su web (www.colinvearncombe.com) os daréis cuenta que no dejó de hacer cosas. Sólo se quitó de enmedio de las discográficas. Aprovecho para decir que he creado un grupo en Facebook llamado Black en español por si alguien quiere echarle un vistazo y unirse. Saluods desde Sevilla.

Valentín VN said...

He enviado una solicitud para unirme al grupo.

Es una coincidencia, pero estamos tocando esta canción en el grupo de profes del instituto. Ya te diré qué tal nos sale nuestra versión.

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