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May 13, 2009


Thomas Dolby, Hyperactive!

[via wikipedia]

Thomas Dolby is a genius. This song about himself or a fake himself was as imaginative as possible. The video was also a far cry from everybody else. The embed from YouTube is a remix with some dance music parts in it. The original video was nowhere to be found in YouTube. And I like this one. But it misses the “Tell me about your childhood” psychiatrist’s part.

It is a nervous song. You can love it or hate it, but never ignore it. That is its power. Dolby’s career is a long one. He is still active (sorry, Hyperactive!) and produces music along with other technological interests. But in my opinion, Thomas Dolby was the king of impossible new wave music back at the early 80s. Then he wrote so many mellow songs that took him away from the path of his early new wave experiments. But really do love this song.

I remember getting scared by the oversized heads the first time I watched the video, I got me by surprise. But my ears were working and I get hook to the song. Here in Spain, the video-clip (as is called here), was an IN thing and many programs were dedicated to showcasing them. And I remember recording those programs, where Hyperactive! was recurrent.

More about Thomas Dolby in this links:
Official Web Page.

Fan Page.

The Tomas Dolby Years.


Hyperactive! - Thomas Dolby (HQ Audio)

Middle 80's Classic Thomas Dolby Great Song Vid
[via LuiscmckI]

At the tender age of three
I was hooked to a machine
Just to keep my mouth from spouting junk
Must have took me for a fool
When they chucked me out of school
'Cause the teacher knew I had the funk
But tonight I'm on the edge –
Better shut me in the fridge
'Cause I'm burning up (I'm burning up)
With the vision in my brain
and the music in my veins
And the dirty rhythm in my blood

They are messing with my heart
And they're messing with my heart
And they're messing with my heart
Won't stop messing with me
Ripping me apart !
Hyperactive: when I'm small
Hyperactive: now I'm grown
Hyperactive: and the night is young
And in a minute I'll blow

Semaphore out on the floor
Messages from outer space
Deep heat for the feet
And the rhythm of your heartbeat
'Cause the music of the street
It isn't any rapattack
It isn't any rapattack

I can reach into your homes
Like an itch in your headphones
You can't turn it up
I'm the shape in your back room
I'm the breather on the phone
And I'm burning up
But there's one thing I must say
Before they lock me up again –
You'd be safer at the back
When I'm having an attack!

Hyperactive: when I'm small
Hyperactive: now I'm tall
Hyperactive: as the day is long
Hyperactive: in my bones
Hyperactive: in your phones
Hyperactive: and the night is young
Hyperactive : when I'm small
Hyperactive: now I'm grown
Hyperactivfe: 'til I'm dead and gone

Stand up : hyperactivate!
Get up: hyperactivate!
Wise up: hyperactivate!
London: hyperactivate!
[via metrolyrics]


Juan Duque Oliva said...

Ahí me has dado, me encanta, una de mis canciones preferidas es 'I Scare Myself', nunca he sabido de lo que va esa canción, si alguna vez te da por traducirla te lo agradecería.

Valentín VN said...

La canción I Scare Myself se encuentra en http://www.lyricsdownload.com/dolby-thomas-i-scare-myself-lyrics.html y dice algo así como:

Me asusto pensando en ti.
Me asusto cuando no estoy contigo
Me asusto en el momento en que te vas
Me asusto cuando dejo correr mi pensamiento
Y cuando mi cabeza divaga
Sigue pensando en ti
Y cuando mi cabeza piensa
¿Qué puedo hacer?

Me asusto, y no lo digo a la ligera
Me asusto y puedo llegar a dar miedo
Me asusta pensar lo qué puedo hacer
Me asusto - es algún tipo de vudú
Y con ese vudú
No dejo de pensar en ti
Y con ese vudú
¿Qué puedo hacer?

Pero es tan distinto todo cuando estamos juntos
Y estoy más calmado; me siento mejor
Porque las estrellas se han cruzado en nuestros caminos para siempre
Y cuanto antes te des cuenta, mejor
Y estarás conmigo y yo no me asustaré
Y sabré qué hacer y no me asustaré
Y tendré pensamientos que no me asustarán
Y pensaré en ti y no me asustáré

Lo siento, Juan, no soy poeta. Sólo es una traducción para que veas lo que dice Thomas Dolby. También es de mis favoritos.

Doctor Krapp said...

Has puesto un vídeo que me tiene obsesionado desde que lo vi la primera vez en los 80. Me parece una obra maestra y el tema no le va a la zaga. Es un techno inteligente que no pretender epatar simplemente ofrecer un poco de buena música.

Valentín VN said...

A mí me pasa igual, Doctor.

Juan Duque Oliva said...

Muchas gracias Valentin, genial. Que ilusión me ha hecho poder saber de que va el tema.

Es curioso pero sentía algo parecido a lo que dice la letra aunque no tenía ni idea.

El poder que tiene la música para comunicar es infinito.

De nuevo mil gracias.

Es preciosa.

Valentín VN said...

La música de Dolby tiene un fuerte poder evocador. Siempre. Esta canción no es distinta, Juan.

Gracias a ti. Me entretuvo mucho hacer la traducción.

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