Spider-Man (1967) First airing on the ABC television network in 1967, the series revolves around the scientific-minded teenager Peter Parker who, after being bitten by a radioactive spider, develops amazing strength and spider-like powers. He decides to become a crime-fighting, costumed superhero; all the while dealing with his personal problems and the insecurities resulting from being a teenager. Each episode features two parts so you get twice as many web-slinging adventures in each video!
Spiderman 1967 Episode one.
The power of Doctor Octopus / Subzero for Spidey. (Click here to watch it)
"The Power of Dr. Octopus": Dr. Octopus kidnaps Spider-Man in order to hold the city ransom. "Sub-Zero for Spidey": Spider-Man battles ice creatures to save his city from freezing.
The power of Doctor Octopus / Subzero for Spidey. (Click here to watch it)
"The Power of Dr. Octopus": Dr. Octopus kidnaps Spider-Man in order to hold the city ransom. "Sub-Zero for Spidey": Spider-Man battles ice creatures to save his city from freezing.
[via marvel kids]
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