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July 01, 2009


Mötley Crüe, Wildside.

[via noisehnois]

The year 1987 was a great year for Hair Metal. And Mötley Crüe raced for the hard line. After a succesful Theatre of Pain, they need to go back to their origins and play the music that makes them popular.

And it all started when I listened to their crazy version of Jailhouse Rock, included at the end of this record, Girls, Girls, Girls. A real statement.

Their sound was so precise, so Crüe that many fans go for it, making the LP a Big Seller from the beginning. They need to wait for Doctor Feelgood for their official return to the hardrock scene, abandoning the Glam rock show. It was a great time to start being a Mötley Crüe fan.

Motley Crue – Wildside

[via Anleub24]
Kneel down ye sinners, to
Streetwise religion
Greed's been crowned the new King
Hollywood's dream teens
Yesterday's trash queens
Save the blessings for the final ring-

Take a ride on the wild side
Wild side

I carry my crucifix
Under my death list
Forward my mail to me in hell
Liars and the martyrs
Lost faith in The Father
Long lost in the wishing well

Take a ride on the wild side
Wild side

Fallen Angels
So fast to kill
Thy kingdom come on the wild side
Our father
Who ain't in heaven
Plead thy name on on the wild side Holy Mary
Mother may I
Pray for us on the wild side
Wild side
Wild side

Name dropping no-names
Glamorize cocaine
Puppets with strings of gold
East L.A. at midnight
Papa won't be home tonight
Found dead with his best friend's wife

Take a ride on the wild side
Wild side

Take a ride on the wild side
Wild side

Gang fights
Fatal strikes
We lie on the wild side
No escape
Murder rape
Doing time on the wild side
A baby cries
A cop dies
A day's pay on the wild side
Wild side
Wild side
Tragic life on the wild side
Wild side
Wild side
Kickin' ass on the Wild Side
[via sing365]

More to read:
Official Webpage.

The Crüe at Wikipedia.


COILET said...

hey Valentin, me encanta este grupo, tengo el "Decade of Decadence", con muchas de sus mejores canciones, mi preferida es Anarchy in the UK, no sé, me recuerda esa rebeldía e irreverencia de Los Ramones.....

Valentín VN said...

No sabía que tenían un directo con tantas versiones (covers). La de Anarchy in the UK, de los Sex Pistols era toda una sorpresa y por eso la dejaron para el final.

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