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April 22, 2009


King Crimson, 21st Century Schizoid Man.

[via peppermintstore]

This song could be considered the way a Prog-rock band could really rock. If you listen to Voivod version you would notice that.

King Crimson is the playground of artist infinite Robert Fripp. The guitar techniques of this great musician put him aside from many common-place guitarist. But, I must say as a drummer that Michael Giles performance in this recording is outstanding. I really listen again and again to this magic tracks that takes to a new level the art of percussion. So many things to learn in here.

The band was completed with multi-instrumentist Ian McDonald and bass guitarist and singer Greg Lake (yes, from Emerson, Lake and Palmer).

If you read the lyrics that accompanied the video and wonder who wrote it, it was Peter Sinfield, a visionary that added his creative force to a music band. And the collision was fruitful, I must say. And the impressive Cover and Interior art was painted by late Barry Godber, who died half a year later by a heart attack. He was only 24.

Some links to look for:
King Crimson Official Web Page.


Elephant Talk Wiki.

King Crimson Discography.

The embed from YouTube is a video from a show at Hyde Park, back in 1969.

King Crimson - 21rst Century Schizoid Man

Live in Hide Park 1969
[via betho56]
Cats foot iron claw
Neuro-surgeons scream for more
At paranoias poison door.
Twenty first century schizoid man.

Blood rack barbed wire
Polititians funeral pyre
Innocents raped with napalm fire
Twenty first century schizoid man.

Death seed blind mans greed
Poets starving children bleed
Nothing hes got he really needs
Twenty first century schizoid man.
[via lyricsfreak]

Well, this video is quite sort and 21st Century Schizoid man is not really a representative King Crimson song, so please, enjoy this other videos from the different mutations of the band.

King Crimson - Larks' Tongues in Aspic

[via betho56]

king crimson-epitaph

[via jimmys38]

King Crimson – Discipline

[via gavayskie]

King Crimson - Frame By Frame

Performed on the BBC's The Old Grey Whistle Test back in 1982
[via dodonoghue]

CK - 21st Century Schizoid Man


MoonChild ( FULL version) Including The Dream / The Illusion 1/2, King Crimson.

MoonChild ( FULL version) Including The Dream / The Illusion 2/2, King Crimson.

This is the fourth work. It is "MoonChild Including The Dream / The Illusion" of King Crimson again. It is an FULL version this time. Vocal is Miss AKUE STONE. Well, I used "AquesTone" without using "VOCALOID". AquesTone is a free Vocal software. by Abzonally Park
[via AbzonallyPark]

King Crimson (sort of) - In The Court Of The Crimson King

Live with McDonald, Wetton, Hackett, Thompson
[via betho56]


Isso é a perfeita junção de obras de arte, a arte musical de King Crimson com a arte surreal de Jacek Yerka um pintor polonês, são pinturas fenomenais e a música do Crimson caiu como uma luva, é pura paz de espírito esse video...

Formantera lady - king crimson

[via firebola]


Doctor Krapp said...

Me has tocado en uno de mis puntos sensibles. El primer disco de vinilo que compré fue In the Court of Crimson King y recuerdo escuchando en repetidas ocasiones 21st Century Schizoid Man y por supuesto Epitaph.
Cuandome pasé al CD uno de mis primeros discos no podía ser otro que ese maravilloso disco aunque se perdiera por en medio la psicodelia de su maravillosa portada.

Valentín VN said...

Muchos hicimos eso de comprarnos en CD lo que teníamos en vinilo. Algún purista dirá que fue una tontería. Lo único verdaderamente bueno del CD - y del DVD, ya que pasó lo mismo - es que de la noche a la mañana, discos inencontrables estaban en las tiendas a precios razonables. Me pareció una oportunidad buenísima para conocer casi todo lo que se publicó y editó en el pasado sin mucho esfuerzo.
Ahora, con los mp3 y YouTube, aún es más sencillo llegar a conocer todo, pero lo que no veo es ganas por parte de las nuevas generaciones.

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