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September 28, 2008


Mr. Men by Roger Hargreaves

Mr. Men is a series of books and cartoons that started in 1971, when creator Roger Hargreaves painted and wrote a book for his child. That was the beginning of a series of books that portrait the life of simple characters with easy morals that was simple to made little children understand.
Popularity came when the series of books turned into a series of cartoons that spam two series of fifteen short animated films. The original narrator was Arthur Lowe.

BBC broadcast this series with so funny names as Mr Strong, Mr. Daydream, Mr. Fussy Mr. Chatterbox, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Impossible…

Ten years later, a Little Miss series was created to be written along the original book series.

The series abruptly stopped when Hargreaves died suddenly of a stroke. After them, only characters created in benefit contest were added to the long list of simple Mr. Men and Little Misses.

There are many examples of this beloved characters in the Web, but I must spotlight this ones:

Official Website

Official Blog

Mr. Men in Wikipedia

Mr. Men Show in Wikipedia

List of Mr. Men in Wikipedia

Little Miss Series in Wikipedia

Works of Roger Hargreaves in Wikipedia

Roger Hargreaves in Wikipedia

And and embed of Mr Impossible from YouTube. My favourite character.

[via Dadoors]


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