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June 19, 2010


Mickey's Trailer (1938).

Mickey, Donald and Goofy are the guys that has this wacky Trailer and decide to leave their horrible city to go to the country. The problem is Goofy driving and then not driving at all.

The Trailer disengages from the car hook and while Goofy drives again the car, the Trailer is on the loose. So Mickey and Donald has to survive as they could all the obstacles. There was some histories similar to that in spanish TBO. Perhaps the Disney's Short was the inspiration.

What I couldn't understand is why this cartoon is not part of the 50 greatest cartoons.

Mickey Cartoons — Mickey's Trailer (May 6, 1938) 

Our bold trio travels cross-country by trailer - and sorely lives to regret it, especially when the makeshift vehicle crashes its way down a cliffside.

Characters —
Mickey Mouse
Donald Duck

Director —
Ben Sharpsteen

Animation —
Johnny Cannon
Les Clark
Ed Love

Cut Scenes —
Goofy struggles with corncob, during which he sticks his fork in a light socket; the resulting electric shock pops the corn.

[text and video via CartoonShortsClub

More about Mickey's Trailer:


Serwan said...

Cómo ha cambiado (para bien) el diseño de este blog, enhorabuena. Acabas de llenar un vacío de mi niñez con este corto de Mickey. Resulta que tengo hace años una cinta del Cinexín titulada "Mickey de excursión en roulotte" que es un extracto de ese corto. Gracias, Tonerre !

Valentín VN said...

Muchas gracias, Serwan. Sabía que requería cambiar la plantilla y mi tiempo me ha llevado. Aún le faltan cosas, pero no está lejos de terminarse.

Me ha sorprendido ¡y encantado! el video que me das en el enlace. Da gusto el Cinexín. Yo tenía uno que era con Pluto y un imán. Ya salió en una entrada por aquí. Pero no lo había visto en un Cinexín.

Esto de YouTube es un inventazo.

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