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May 21, 2010


Thirty years of Empire Strikes Back.

[via Wikipedia]

May 21, 1980 was the release date of one of the best movies ever (sorry I'm a die-hard fan of Star Wars). Here is my humble homage to this great movie, perhaps the best of the saga although I must say that I'm a fan of the first one, the Episode IV.

I remember going to see it at the end of the summer with a very strong Air-conditioner, so cold that you have to cover yourself against a cold.

Well, enough about me. You could find a lot of information about this movie in Internet, I'm not going to do it better than any other specialized page, but Tonnerre de Brest is about many things and how I live and remember them. And The Empire Strikes Back was one of the main movies that really impact us back them.

The idea of the bad ones wining, that the king of all bad guys is the father of our crystal-clear hero. Luke looses a hand (how can one hurt him, Mr Lucas?!!) and Han is an ice cream at the end. It was too much to chew, being an eight years old boy.

At the end of the movie you ask for more. You want to see the end of the conflict. More exactly: I want the good guys to win. 

Perhaps, being a grown up makes me enjoy this movie as it is, a great movie that tells many stories to a rounded result. It is perfect and always interesting, but as a kid, as I said, it was to much. But deep inside, I knew that it was no second chapter of a serial. It was what could spawn the whole story. The second trilogy is a good proof of that. The films tries to explain how Anakin Skywalker turns into Darth Vader, how his children had to run away and why Luke must confront his father. All about that unforgettable scene where we discover the truth about the fatherhood of Darth Vader. All in a few minutes and one of the most respected and loved stories ever.

Therefore, I here salute and celebrate this anniversary with great emotion and deep appreciation, overjoyed by the opportunity of celebrate it, being part of a family of fans that understood the importance of this galactic story, the values they represent and the enjoyment they provided to us.

Here are some videos to enjoy. First the trailer, then the scene of the combat. Lastly, Carrie Fisher speech at AFI. A much commented monologue. 

The Empire Strikes Back trailer

The Empire Strikes Back: Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader

[via Sexxor69]

Carrie Fisher Roasts George Lucas at AFI Life Achievement Award

Carrie Fisher steals the show in her speech at the AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute To George Lucas.
[via AFI]

More about Star Wars, the Empire Strikes Back:
Tengo también el placer de presentaros el proyecto español para celebrar este treinta aniversario. Tendrá lugar en Santiago de Compostela y lo organiza Tropa Korriban. Aquí está la información:


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