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August 01, 2009


La animación de Ivo Caprino.

[vía caprino.no]

Ivo Caprino es un autor noruego especializado en la animación de figuras mediante stop-motion. Esta semana, en el Sábado de animación, os ofrezco un buen montón de ejemplos de su buen hacer. Su familia tenía mucho interés por introducir al joven Ivo en las artes. Su padre, Mario, era de origen italiano y muy conocido por su fabricación de muebles. De hecho, la calle donde se encontraban los estudios de Caprino, lleva el nombre de su padre. Su madre era caricaturista y sobrina del pintor Hans Gude.

Fue su madre la que le introdujo en el mundo de las marionetas, al ser ella la encargada de diseñarlas para un teatro local. Con veintinueve años (Ivo Caprino nació en 1920, lo que nos sitúa en 1949) patentó un dispositivo para hacer películas con marionetas y ahí empezó su carrera. Haciendo una broma, diré que su película más popular fue la Gran Carrera.

Hoy hay un buen montón de ejemplos, así que no me entretengo mucho y os dejo con ellos. Que paséis un buen rato.

The Ashlad and His Good Helpers

After nothing came of the movie entitled "Once Upon a Time", Ivo Caprino decided to divide the manuscript up into a series of movie shorts. The first fairytale movie was "The Ashlad and His Good Helpers".
All of Caprino's animated classics are finally available on DVD. Visit http://www.caprino.no/movies/en/godeh... for more information about the film.

The Steadfast Tin Soldier

In 1955 Ivo Caprino and his crew made the short movie The Steadfast Tin Soldier based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale of the same name.
All of Caprino's animated classics are finally available on DVD. Visit http://www.caprino.no/movies/en/tinns... for more information about the film.

Karius and Baktus

The story of Jens and his troubles with the two tooth troll Karius and Baktus have entertained families for over half a century.
Based on the book by Thorbjørn Egner, Ivo Caprino's animated film from 1952 went on to be a great success, internationally too.
All of Caprino's animated classics are finally available on DVD. Visit http://www.caprino.no/movies/en/kariu... for more information about the film.

Pinchcliffe Grand Prix (short, 1 of 2)

Pinchcliffe Grand Prix is a movie in a class of its own, and equally entertaining for children and adults. The superior quality of the movie and - for its time - highly advanced technology have impressed and enchanted audiences and film critics worldwide for almost 30 years!
All of Caprino's animated classics are finally available on DVD. Visit http://www.caprino.no/movies/en/flaak... for more information about the film.

The Fox's Widow

The Fox's Widow has almost achieved celebrity status in Norway for its sparkling animation, superb staging, enchanting characters and music by Bjarne Amdahl.
All of Caprino's animated classics are finally available on DVD. Visit http://www.caprino.no/movies/en/reve-... for more information about the film

Little Frick and the Fiddle

Meet the cheeky, but kind-hearted, Little Frick and his fiddle as he works for three years for three shillings and compassionately gives them away to every vagabond he meets. But the reward is immense.

All of Caprino's animated classics are finally available on DVD. Visit http://www.caprino.no/movies/en/vesle... for more information about the film.
[vía mariocaprino ]


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