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May 27, 2009


Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger and the Trinity, Indian Rope Man.

[via elmonitorecords]

One of the recordings I can’t live without. Released in 1969 it is so psychedelic that it could be considered as a resume of the time it was produced. But to me is music that projects in wide range, showcasing the way popular music were conceived in that particular time. It has original music, instrumental music, covers and keyboards. A lot of them.

Brian Auger is a keyboardist so cool that it is almost impossible not to be a fan of him if you are a keyboard player. (Well if you love music, you love the way Auger plays his music).

I bought Streetnoise, a double album, in the late eighties and its price was one euro and a half. Only that. A little more than two dollars. It was cheap and the cover got me. Then I look at the track list and I recognised most of the songs. A Doors’ cover, a Nina Simone’s cover, a Miles Davis’ cover… and this day’s song: a Ritchie Havens’ cover: Indian Rope Man.

The band included a singer and guitarist (Julie Driscoll, now Julie Tippetts), a keyboard player and singer (Brian Auger), a bassist, guitarist and singer (Clive Thacker) and a drummer and percussionist (David Ambrose). It was a curious thing to had a duo (Thacker and Ambrose) called as The Trinity.

Auger is a fine singer, but Julie Driscoll is amazing. A miraculous voice that expressed all ranges of blues and that really caught you from the beginning of the tune. There is an LP side (side three) sang by Auger only. And it is one of the coolest sides.

Well enjoy the video, but first, gather more information in this links:
Streetnoise entry at Wikipedia.

Julie Driscoll at Wikipedia.

Julie and Keith Tippett’s Web page.

Brian Auger at Wikipedia.

Brian Auger’s Web page.

Doin’ the Pop blog post.

Maguil post at Valladolid Musical.

Brian Auger, Julie Driscoll & The Trinity - Indian Rope Man

[via dabeat]
Indian Rope Man
a/k/a African Herbsman
Words by Havens, Roth, Price

Fog dangling thick
Can't see the right road
Streets are sick,
The eight day mill
It might grind slow, but it grinds fine

Indian rope man, while lookin' on
Tells common clay he's heavenly born
Retired layman looks on in scorn,
With a transplanted heart
Kiss him quick, he has to part.

Indian rope man sees the times,
Splitting loose the edge of minds
Catching losers in his line, in his line, yeah
Kiss him quick, he has to part.

Indian rope man flexes his eye,
Dissolving the fog
Revealing the lie
Indian rope man holds my trick in his heart, yeah
Kiss him quick, he has to part
Yeah... yeah

Indian rope man sees all strife
Cutting down eternal life
When his soul transcends his heart, oh
Kiss him quick, he has to part.
Yeah... yeah

[vía richiehavens]


Doctor Krapp said...

Le veo semejanzas al grupo con la Jefferson Airplane y no solo por que cante una mujer como Julie Driscoll. Auger es un número 1 al teclado.

Valentín VN said...

Me gustan más que Jefferson Airplane, pero es cierto. Lo que valoro mucho es tu opinión de que Auger es todo un número uno.

Doctor Krapp said...

Son mucho mejores que la Jefferson, sin duda.

Valentín VN said...

No es cuestión de ver quién es mejor o peor (cuanta más música, mejor), pero coincido contigo: me quedo con Auger, la verdad.

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