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May 31, 2010



Puppetland is a Storytelling game (close to RPGs, but more oriented to create a story than to develop a character) created by John Tynes. It has one of the most fascinating background story I've ever found. Imagine a puppet world, all make-belive (including the sky, that is a canvas with painted stars) where the puppets lived joyfully until the puppeteer, the only human, was killed by Punch who established a reign of terror and proclaimed himself Puppeteer. And his followers are fierce believers. Everybody is in danger in Puppetland.

The gamers play the rol of puppetts, Finger puppets, Hand puppets, Shadow puppets and Marionette puppets. They are defined and there are simple rules to say what they can do and can't. Every time you suggest something your kind of puppet can't do, you lose one point. If you lose sixteen points, your puppet disappear and you have to create another one.

The game is completed with a flip game called Power Kill, by the same author. It is a metagame (where you ready for new concepts?) that can be easily attached to any other RPG. It works by adding points to your meta-character sheet every time you make a violent action. At the end of the game you can notice how many destructive and mindless violent movements you perform, inviting you to meditate and think over if your behavior is that moral. A great "wake-up" moment againts turning RPGs into violent games.


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