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April 02, 2010


Complete Chronicles of Conan (4). The Tower of the Elephant.

[via Wikipedia]
A personal favourite. The classic story of Conan mixed with some elements typical of Lovecraftian literature. Pure fun and beauty.

Conan in a common place adventure, searching a jewel (this time the Heart of the Elephant), getting into a strange-guarded lair (the Tower is surrounded by lions and on top of it there is a poisonous spider the size of a pig that kill Taurus, a thief that Conan meets in its peril) and finding a demi-god. That's where things take off and fly into another level.

Conan meets an alien, a sage creature from another planet, as old as the Earth (back at that mythical time) that has being enslaved by a despotic black sorcerer Yara. This alien, Yag-Kosha, reminds to Ganesh, the Hindu God with the head of an elephant and the body of a human being. He is in fact not a god, but a creature that had watched the evolution of humanity from their hesitant first steps and tells Conan what he had seen. The monologue is similar to Lovecraft descriptions in the Call of Cthulu and more recently to the monologue of the replicant in Blade Runner movie.

Conan kills mercifully the poor creature and uses the heart (actually the real heart of the alien) mixed with the jewel to end the life of Yara. A strong ending to one of the best short tales ever written by Howard.

More about the Tower of the Elephant:


Juan Duque Oliva said...

Very sexy Connan

Juls said...

Gran historia y gran Comic.

Esa torre, ese ladrón, esos leones silenciosos, esa araña gigante... sencillamente genial.

Valentín VN said...

Juan, cuando era adolescente, tener cómics de Conan me sirvió para acercarme a una chica que me gustaba. A ella le iba Conan. Yo sólo tenía un par de cómics de Conan (me gustaban, pero no era forofo del personaje).

A partir de ahí, sí creo que Conan es sexy.

Juls, toda esa parte que mencionas es fantástica, pero lo que emociona de verdad es el encuentro con el hombre elefante.

Curioso e interesante tu blog, Juls, me gusta.

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