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September 02, 2009


Judas Priest, Freewheel Burning.

[via piratarock]

I’m not really a Judas Priest fan. I found the band cool and strong, but I didn’t get hooked with them. And I am a fan of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal.

Ok, I’d said it. But Freewheel Burning is one of the best Heavy Metal songs ever released. A fast and furious guitar pattern with a fast singer and drums that are Speed Metal before no one invented it. I’m talking about 1984.

So here it is, enjoy!

Judas priest - Freewheel burning

[via daveale2000]
Fast and furious we ride the universe
To carve a road for us that slices every curve in sight

We accelerate, no time to hesitate
This load will detonate whoever would antend its right

Born to lead at breakneck speed with high octane
We're spitting flames:

Freewheel burning
Freewheel burning

On we catapult, we're thrusting to the hilt
Unearthing every fault, go headlong into any dare

We don't accept defeat, we never will retreat
We blaze with scorching heat obliterations everywhere

Look before you leap has never been the way we keep
Our road is free
Charging to the top
And never give in never stops the way to be
Hold on to the lead with all your will and concede
You'll find there's life with victory on high
[via lyricstime]

I won’t be adding anything to this difficult times for the band but I think it was a great document this video where Halford has to sing in court. No more comments.

Rob Halford (Judas Priest) singing in court

[via 1Decree]


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