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July 07, 2010


Kiss trío.

Kiss sólo ha sido un trío en dos ocasiones. En el primer concierto en Brooklyn y en 2007, cuando Paul Stanley se sintió indispuesto. La banda decidió tocar y el concierto fue mítico. Aquí tenéis un video para demostrarlo. Si escucháis y no con mucha atención al audio, echaréis en falta la otra guitarra.

Kiss has been a trio only twice. In the first concert in Brooklyn and in 2007, when Paul Stanley felt unwell. The band decided to play and the concert was legendary. Here's a video to prove it. If you listen carefully and it is not very difficult to notice, you'll miss the other guitar.

God of Thunder live 2-27-07 Rare KISS Trio

God of Thunder live 2-27-07 Rare KISS Trio. Paul had to leave because of a Cardiac Arrest according to Gene. But, It is was heat exhaustion dehydration.

KISS plays with 3 people for the first time. This video has the bass solo before the song and the drum solo afterward.
Gene Simmons, Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer.
[Text and video via jakadocius]

Kiss playing "Christine Sixteen" as a three piece

Kiss playing 'Goin' Blind' without Paul

[via gocwbys1]


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