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October 28, 2009


Supertramp, the Logical Song.

[via yawell]

In 1979, Supertramp releashed their most popular LP, Breakfast in America. It is not my favourite Supertramp album (I love Crime of the Century, from 1974), but it has my favourite song.

The Logical Song is a masterpiece that is both AOR and Progressive. Only four minutes that tells us the struggle of a man that has lost his opportunity of being really human by letting a rigid education to control his feelings. Thus the logical against the “who am I” part.

[via musicaliaradio]

It has a wonderful keyboard part that turns into a rock band in the middle of the song. FX are all over the song, among them, some electronic toys popular in that years. And the high pitch of Roger Hodgson reaching the almost impossible note that turns into a slide whistle. I love this effect. It works.

Supertramp-logical song

[via ktjdfzm4]

When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees, well theyd be singing so happily,
Joyfully, playfully watching me.
But then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible,
Logical, responsible, practical.
And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,
Clinical, intellectual, cynical.

There are times when all the worlds asleep,
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man.
Wont you please, please tell me what weve learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who I am.

Now watch what you say or theyll be calling you a radical,
Liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Wont you sign up your name, wed like to feel you’re
Acceptable, respecable, presentable, a vegetable!

At night, when all the worlds asleep,
The questions run so deep
For such a simple man.
Wont you please, please tell me what weve learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who I am.
[via lyricsfreak]


Juan Duque Oliva said...

Like this song.

Doctor Krapp said...

Sin duda un tema memorable que siempre tengo en el recuerdo. Es mi segunda canción favorita de ellos, a los que sigo considerando un grupo excepcional.
Mi teme favorito es "From Now On" de Even in the Quietest Moments.

José Luis López Recio said...

Música de calidad para un blog de calidad.

Valentín VN said...

Juan, I like it too.

Doctor, magnífica selección de temazos de Supertramp.

Muchas gracias por el piropo, José Luis. ;-)

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