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March 30, 2009


Peter Gabriel's OVO.

OVO is a Peter Gabriel Project, composed and dessigned to promote the Millenium Show. Nothing odd about it, but this booklet is something else.

When I bought the CD, a card included in the package could be sent to Real World and they would sent you an illustrated book with the fantastic story of three generations of fantastic beings. The three of them represented the three stages of human life.

So I sent the card, but the book didn’t arrive. Until one day, about a year later, a letter containing the book was in my hands. The story was written by Bob Baker, with Mark Fisher as the developer of the idea. Georges Crici was the illustrator (with the help of Christian Perret).

The adventures ranged from a rainforest-kind elves to this same elves living in an industrial city, with dictators, to giving their living force to bring back Mother Nature. Very epic.

This series of embed is a documentary about the Millenium Show, showcasing OVO. Enjoy.
Peter Gabriel - The Millenium show OVO part 1

Peter Gabriel - The Millenium show OVO part 2

Peter Gabriel - The Millenium show OVO part 3

Peter Gabriel talking about the production of the millenium show and the LP OVO. I found this videos on emule, not in his page. Can somebody tell me if there is a DVD edition of OVO? i can't find it. i'm a big fan of Peter Gabriel and i'm thankful for his great contribution to the world, his work is inspirational for my own apprentice work. no, i don't have his permission but until they cut me off, see this first part of the video.Please see my videos and productions and let me know what do you think on your comments and ratings.
[via idmusica]

Here you can check this links about OVO:
OVO and the Millennium Show. An extended article about the complete Peter Gabriel’s Project.

OVO at the official Peter Gabriel Site. There are some examples of the music.

Peter Gabriel, as could be seen in Wikipedia.

OVO at Wikipedia.

The music of OVO in Musicbrainz. A version and another.

En castellano, un sentido viaje por la música de Peter Gabriel, tal y como la ve Maria Corinna Márquez.


Juan Duque Oliva said...

Good project.

Valentín VN said...

As good as Peter Gabriel is.

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