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May 28, 2010


Complete Chronicles of Conan (11). The Devil in Iron.

[via Wikipedia]
More Conan and the sea. First a fisherman that is gigantic and in part remembers the Lovecraftian's Deep Ones is the guilty hand that brings back to life a creature so powerful and hideus that Conan must fight it as hard as he can. But he also must fight a Monstrous  Serpent and survive a treacherous attempt to kill him.

Wow, not bad, don't you think? Well, in my opinion it is way too much. So many ingredients in the soup and no room for a spoon. It is cool to see new races, new monsters but in the end we are reading a story and in fact it could become confusing going from one monster with iron will and skin (literally) that hazardously interferes with Jehingir Agha and his scheme to get rid of Conan and his group of kozaks from Vilayet.

Jehingir tries to have a princess for himself. In doing so he plans to use Conan and his soldiers as bait for the inhabitants of Xupur the other island where Octavia, his desired princess, lives. But Xupur is also the land of Khosatral Khel, the devil monster.

Are you confused yet? I sure do. Because Conan fights that Giant Serpent and Octavia faces Khel only to join and get rid of both Khel and Jehingir.

More about the Devil in Iron:


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