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April 16, 2010


Complete Chronicles of Conan (6). The Slithering Shadow.

[via Wikipedia]
This is not one of my favourite stories of Conan. Here we can see a some-what misogynist in the middle of a cat-woman fight with a Lovecraftian monster in bargain.

It all starts when the forces of Prince Almuric are being slaughtered by Stygians and Kushites. The only survivors are Conan and a Brythunian (no need to translate it, does it?) called Natala. She is the first of many strong women to surround Conan. They are in dire situation when their camel succumbs and their water supplies are exhausted, Conan tries to comfort the girl. He almost considers to "merciful end her life" before she suffers from starvation and thirst.

Well, before that could happen, Conan spots a city. It is called Xuthal (the original name of this story was Xuthal of the Dusk). He is at the end of his forces when he is forced to fight a guard that seems to be absent-minded. After a Pyrric victory our starring couple meet Thalis, an Stygian woman that reveals that Xuthal is a haunted city where a demon, Thog eats human flesh in hopes of entering this realm (Lovecraftian, isn't it?).

The two woman aren't really friendly. While Conan is absent, Thalis tortures and whips Natala, invoking Thog. When the monster appears (only tentacles and odd stuff like that), he first goes for Thalis. After killing the Stygian the demon turns to Natala, but Conan luckily intervenes.

The fight is mighty, but Conan is only a human. He is badly wounded by the time he gets rid of the monster, making fall into a pit. Natala uses an elixir that restores Conan strength.

Abandoning the city, Natala mocks Conan and laughs at him remembering how Thalis fell in love with him and Conan swears against female condition as being always too jealous. Tsk, tsk.

More about The Slithering Shadow:


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