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March 23, 2025


The Utopia - Stories from the Grave

The Descent into WonderFor two months, the expedition had been a grueling crawl through the earth's bowels. The air, thick with the damp, earthy scent of ancient rock, had become a constant companion. Ken Bulmer, the expedition’s leader, felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on him with every step. Beside him, Brad Saunders, the group’s muscle, shifted his weight, his broad shoulders tense, ever vigilant...
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March 18, 2025


El estornino y el agricultor

En la humilde llanura, vivía un pobre agricultor. Su vida era un ciclo constante de siembra y espera, pero sus cosechas siempre eran magras, flacas como sus esperanzas. La culpa la tenían los escarabajos del grano, pequeños y oscuros demonios que se atiborraban de sus semillas, robándoles la promesa de una buena cosecha.Un día, la rabia le mordió el animo al solitario labrador. Harto de ver su esfuerzo en vano,...
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March 15, 2025


Ides of March

Ah, a grander tapestry woven, with the very cards of fate themselves! Let us then, with renewed vigor, translate these portents and allegiances into a language that echoes both the modern mind and the ancient soul of Rome.My Faction: Insidiae (Shadowy Intrigue and Subterfuge)Hark, and attend to the revelation of my true nature! I am not one to flaunt my allegiances like some gaudy banner upon the Campus Martius....
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