[via wikipedia]
At last I have the time to watch this movie, Star Trek XI and I would like to share with you my estimation on this film.
I must say that I enjoyed a lot this story. And the presence of Nimoy back in his unforgettable character, Mr. Spock is something that is worth seeing. Not bad for a movie with so little story.
In this movie we are presented with a reboot of the Saga. An incident with Senator Spock destroys Romulus and in vengeance, Nero, the bad guy destroys Vulcan too, thus changing story and creating a new timeline for the new Star Trek Original Series. From then on, nothing new. The bad guy falls in his business and Kirk takes Captain Pike’s position aboard Enterprise.
So we have a new cast placed in the shoes of all our beloved characters and they are good at it. Well, not that good, but I love the idea that they are back for good. That’s all.
When a story needs to travel back in time to change something, then something went wrong. And this time they need to recreate the myth. Star Trek’s option is different from Star Wars’. This is not a precuel that we know where we are taken to. This time the past has changed and the new characters could suffer different fate than the original version. And that’s what I really like about this movie. This and the wonderful ending.
Because J.J. Abrams respected us, the long term fans that has spend a lot of hours watching the shows, reading novels and comics and getting to know all the characters, eras and so on. Now we have all renewed and ready to start again a new chapter.
Some actors are not what I expected, but I think the new movie that is about to be produced and released in 2011 would start something interesting. Perhaps not as cool as another movie with actors from The Original Series or The New Generation. But I’m sure fans would be there, to support it. Again.
And the End…¡What a lovely an nostalgic scene! Back in a new old USS Enterprise, with the original colors in the uniforms and the music. Boy, it was really emotional!
The movie was not that much, not so original, but it is a great starting point for a new step that could take us to a new story “no man has gone before”.
J. J. Abrams Star Trek ( XI ) [ Trailer 2009 ] [ ENG ] - 1080p
[via KahbengKahboom]
At last I have the time to watch this movie, Star Trek XI and I would like to share with you my estimation on this film.
I must say that I enjoyed a lot this story. And the presence of Nimoy back in his unforgettable character, Mr. Spock is something that is worth seeing. Not bad for a movie with so little story.
In this movie we are presented with a reboot of the Saga. An incident with Senator Spock destroys Romulus and in vengeance, Nero, the bad guy destroys Vulcan too, thus changing story and creating a new timeline for the new Star Trek Original Series. From then on, nothing new. The bad guy falls in his business and Kirk takes Captain Pike’s position aboard Enterprise.
So we have a new cast placed in the shoes of all our beloved characters and they are good at it. Well, not that good, but I love the idea that they are back for good. That’s all.
When a story needs to travel back in time to change something, then something went wrong. And this time they need to recreate the myth. Star Trek’s option is different from Star Wars’. This is not a precuel that we know where we are taken to. This time the past has changed and the new characters could suffer different fate than the original version. And that’s what I really like about this movie. This and the wonderful ending.
Because J.J. Abrams respected us, the long term fans that has spend a lot of hours watching the shows, reading novels and comics and getting to know all the characters, eras and so on. Now we have all renewed and ready to start again a new chapter.
Some actors are not what I expected, but I think the new movie that is about to be produced and released in 2011 would start something interesting. Perhaps not as cool as another movie with actors from The Original Series or The New Generation. But I’m sure fans would be there, to support it. Again.
And the End…¡What a lovely an nostalgic scene! Back in a new old USS Enterprise, with the original colors in the uniforms and the music. Boy, it was really emotional!
The movie was not that much, not so original, but it is a great starting point for a new step that could take us to a new story “no man has gone before”.
J. J. Abrams Star Trek ( XI ) [ Trailer 2009 ] [ ENG ] - 1080p
[via KahbengKahboom]
More about Star Trek XI:
Official Webpage.
Star Trek Official Webpage.
All the Wikis related to Star Trek.
Memory Alpha Wiki.
Star Trek episodes (only in the USA).
Soy trekkie hasta la médula, aunque todavía esta película no la he visto. Voy siempre con mucha paciencia y parsimonia cuando se trata de ir al cine.
Nimoy es uno de los actores que más asocio siempre en mis recuerdos a la serie.
Me gustó mucho.
Quizá hubiese sido mucho pedir, pero un cameo de El Shat hubiese sido el Nirvana. El personaje murió, ya se, pero hubiesen regresado en el tiempo o qué se yo!
Urko, ya ves cuándo la he visto yo. Por cierto, tienes buen gusto: Star Trek, Planeta de los Simios... ¡estamos en la misma onda!
José Luis, me alegro. Creo que sin ser una película especialmente buena, es un buen prólogo de algo nuevo e interesante.
Guely, no sería raro nada, con todos los cambios temporales que me temo vamos a ver. Espero que no nos mareen demasiado.
Great movie!, I enjoyed it a lot, an example of a good commercial film..
And a movie made by fans for fans, Antares.
Thank you for writing in English.
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