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April 28, 2010


Nazareth, Dressed to Kill (1982).

[via Wikipedia]

Well, I know that one could expect to see Nazareth related to Love Hurts cover, Hair of the Dog, Crazy from Heavy Metal Movie and the likes. But no. I have this 1981 album on top of my favourite albums, along (It) 'Snaz and the live video was one of my all times "go-back" VHS. Love it.  

It was a birthday present my fellow band companions gave me when  I turned 16. And I still have it with their autographs. They knew that Nazareth was one of my favourite bands but I didn't owned an LP from them. This was my first. 

I still follow the music and releases of this 40+ years old band (they started in 1968). Enjoy their long career and music.

Nazareth - Dressed To Kill

 Nazareth live in Texas '82 Dressed To Kill
[via Pukrysa1]

More about Nazareth:
Sorry, The Fool Circle and 'Snaz are not on Spotify.
But if you want to listen more songs from NAZARETH.
Click on the Spotify Link bellow:


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