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April 30, 2010


Complete Chronicles of Conan (8). Rogues in the House.

[Via Wikipedia]
How complex could a 20 pages long story could get? Well, Howard could had said something about it. Look here, Conan is in jail, waiting for his execution because he had killed an Anu priest. A prostitute is involved and Conan is taken into custody because this priest was also a law inforced (but he was bad to the bone).

The imprisonment conditions are deplorable, so when an aristocrat, Murilo proposed him to kill his arch-rival, Nabonidus thus regaining his freedom and some money. It seems that Murilo is loosing his influence over the city, close to Corinthia. When the jailer that must set free Conan is arrested, Conan must work it out to get free by his own means. 

Conan can run away now, but he dismisses the idea and turns back to prove faithful to Murilo. But first he settles his debt with the prostitute that settled him. 

Not bad until now, eh? Just wait. Conan gets into Nabonidus lair only to find Nabonidus and Murilo captives of Thak a monster-ape that was a servant to Nabonidus. Meanwhile a group of assassins assault the house only to be slaughter by the traps of the house. 

With the diverted attention, Conan fights the enormous Thak an wins. Nabonidus is happy and tells his plans over the city. Conan slays him. Murilo is free to do as he pleases and Conan leaves the city.

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