[vía drummer]
Compuso muchas canciones para Kiss y para sus proyectos en solitario. Aunque su relación con el resto de la banda ha sido muy tormentosa desde finales de los setenta, cuando fue despedido por problemas personales. También su vuelta al Kiss actual fue muy corta, siendo pronto sustituido por el actual baterista.
Tiene una hija y se ha casado en tres ocasiones.
Born in Brooklyn and the oldest of all members of Kiss, was active in the sixties. He was a Jazz fan that studied with Gene Krupa. He worked in two groups during this decade, recording a LP. They were Chelsea and Lips. There he met Stan Penridge, his collaborator on his share of Kiss.
He composed many songs for Kiss and their solo projects. Although his relationship with the rest of the band has been stormy since the late seventies, when he was dismissed for personal reasons. His returning to the current Kiss was very short, being soon replaced by current drummer.
He has one daughter and has been married three times.
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