El tercero es un video de Simmons como Doctor Love (por eso de que el refresco se llama Doctor Pepper) y es la publicidad para televisión y cine. Tiene su gracia y sobretodo se puede decir eso de genio y figura hasta la sepultura.
It is not the first time Kiss participates in an advertising campaign, but this is the campaign that is already running. As an example of how this cherry soda is being promoted (I think it couldn't be found here in Spain) with two videos. The first is the closure of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the equivalent to the Spanish "bolsa". It is not a very funny video, but it is a riot to see Stanley with the mallet. Next you can see an interview.
The third is a video of Simmons as Doctor Love (as the drink is called Dr. Pepper) and is a commercial for television and movie theaters. It has something appealing, and above all you can say that Gene is always the king of the scene!
KISSonline.com: KISS rings closing bell at New York Stock Exchange, 1/25/10
KISS rings closing bell at New York Stock Exchange, 1/25/10 - Courtesy of NYSE.COM.
[via Kiss Online]
KISSonline.com: KISS at the NYSE - Fox Business News
Here's KISS at the New York Stock Exchange with the CEO of Dr. Pepper on January 25, 2010! Courtesy of Fox Business.
[via Kiss Online]
[via Dr Pepper]
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