It has not only tales by the author but drawings that work smoothly and help the reader to catch the general feeling.
If you remember (and are familiarized) with the novels of the young magician apprentice, Dumbledore’s heritage to Hermione Granger is this book. Hermione translate the book and now it is offered to the Muggle readers.
J.K. Rolling introduces us into the world of a Dark Ages Magician that tried to explain to children of another magicians how to be a good boy and how to understand the non-magical humans.
The first tale, The Wizard and the Hopping Pot was an interesting reading but not that great. At first I thought that Rowling was not at her peak. But then come the notes of Albus Dumbledore and then I get the whole point. It was a nice idea that let us come into the minds of the characters of the novels. Then I understood why this book is so important in the life of the magical community.
Babbitty Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump is a nice tale and has something to do with the animagic stuff, but is not that capital in explaining this kind of mages.
The Fountain of Fair Fortune and The Tale of the Three Brothers are in the eye of the hurricane of the last novel of Harry Potter’s adventures. The Deadly Hallows are easily explained here. And the tales are a really fine ones.
And one of my favourites, The Warlock’s Hairy Heart is so gore, so cool that it seams to be a great fun to write and that Rowling must had enjoy doing it. And also it has information on Horcrux, an important issue in Lord Voldemort (sorry! I mean You Know Who) and the Dead Eaters’ progress.
Well, this book of tales has a donation of £1.61 to Children’s High Level Group where J. K. Rowling and Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne try to lead a better life for children that their condition are, as they say, vulnerable. Great thing to do, yes sir.
Two links to visit:
The page of Bloomsbury where this book is showcased.
The page of CHLG.
Me he leído el cuento, y es interesante en cuanto a que lo ha escrito Rowling, pero me parece caro para lo que ofrece.
Por cierto, me gustaba Mazinger Z. Y si te gusta el manga, no sé si conocerás Monster. Es una mravilla.
Saludos desde La ventana de los sueños, blog literario.
¡Hola Anabel!
Me alegro mucho que hayas dado conmigo.
Es cierto que muy barato no es. Yo me quedo con que va mucho de ese dinero a una organización benéfica y me lo tomo con calma.
No he leído Monster. Cuando salío, tiré hacia Jiro Taniguchi y su almanaque de mi padre, uno de mis cómics favoritos. Conocía Crying Freeman y me parecía que podía tener mucho que ver con Monster, pero al final me lo perdí.
Seguiré tu recomendación.
Hablando de seguir, me he apuntado como seguidor de tu blog para ir leyendo la novela. Dame tiempo, necesito empezarla desde el principio, pero allá me tendrás.
Un saludo y sigue con tu trabajo. Es estupendo que lo compartas con nosotros.
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